
THIS TOO SHALL PASS: “The Impatient Patient ”

I hurt my lower back at work on New Year's Eve preventing two patients from falling. On suggestion by my supervisor, I have made an appointment at the occupational therapy clinic at the local hospital for today, as the condition is not as better by now as it should be. I will not be going to work tonight which is good for my back but not for my mind.

My job is enjoyable, and my coworkers fun. I will be stuck at home not even able to do housework which involves lifting anything beyond standing in one place.

One can never push the “pause” button in life, so it just keeps on going, and these days faster than ever! I am remembering all the times I have said, “I wish I could just sit and read a book once in a while!”

I will be much more careful what I wish for in the future! Of course, I say that now.

Caretakers usually make very bad patients. We are supposed to take care of others, not the reverse! I detest asking anyone to do anything for me, and I only ask if it's something I am not able to do myself. Just the other day I asked Tim to show me he checks transmission fluid so that I can keep an eye on it myself in the future.MDC Mould specialized of Injection moulds, I like being as self sufficient as possible, and have been since I was a little girl.

All I can see around me as I let my gaze take in the living room and part of the kitchen from here at the computer, are the things I left undone last week, which I dearly wish I had made time to finish then! Perhaps I need one of those fuzzy sleep blindfolds to make it all just disappear for a while?

I am also worrying about how my absence at work tonight will affect my coworkers who are already stretched to the limit by the many needs of our many patients. I hope this works out to give someone a little overtime!

It is 8:26 tonight after the appointment. A very nice Nurse Practitioner diagnosed my problem as “unspecified back disorders, Piriformis Strain”. Say what? Another term for pulled muscle..The EZ Breathe home Ventilation system is maintenance free,.

I have a physical therapy intake on Monday afternoon to plan the strategy of relaxing the ornery muscle. WHEN will the actual therapy begin? The muscle will be fine sooner than all the paperwork is done!

In the past, we all who are caretakers, have had a pulled muscle, a sore shoulder, painful feet, scratches and even bites! Ours is not an easy job, but it's a very rewarding one, just not for the faint of heart.

It's good that there are places to go to for help with such things as pulled muscles. The Nurse told me to fill a water bottle half way and freeze it and sit on it, and roll around on it which will help the muscle to release. Chiropractors do adjustments to make a muscle spasm release, and usually it is possible to use an ice cube to freeze each end of a cramped muscle to make it release, but the muscle giving me trouble is apparently a large one deep in the area which has many connections which make it hard to use an ice cube. The frozen water bottle appears to be working just fine as I sit on it whilst typing.

Since I work part time, I will have used up my few vacation hours after Monday. It's amazing good luck that this is my weekend off. I can only imagine the horror of this situation for my coworkers who have small children to support and health insurance to pay for. This event is making me wonder if I should get one of those Aflak ducks we see on TV who come and hand us cash when we are out of work through injury! I always did like ducks..Handmade oil paintings for sale at museum quality,.

I find all my focus is right there under the water bottle and the momentary chaos it has all caused. AGH! How easily the mind wraps itself around things. Even when I walk, I am conscious of moving in as normal a way as I can so as not to throw my left side off through over compensation of favoring the sore right side.

As the world turned last night,Tru-Form Plastics is a one-stop shop for plastic Injection Molding, and God knows what was going on s far as wars, killings, fires, newly discovered germs to worry about, I have been blissfully just thinking about my muscle. We humans are odd indeed. If I was a cat or dog, I would just be curled up as comfy as possible, asleep right now allowing my human companion all the stress!

This is a good time to say the affirmation, “Every day in every way, I'm getting better and better!” I can say it truthfully too as the water bottle works it's magic.

Lat might I took a break from focusing on me and my problem to say some prayers and send Reiki to a growing list or prayer requests.

There is a little local girl named Zoe who is 2 months old,As a professional manufacturer of China ceramic tile, who is in a Boston hospital fighting for her life right now, and many others who are having genuine concerns.

