
Are you tired of half-truths... half-facts (lies)?

Briefly, I was watching FOX News, Hannity, the other night and Bob Beckel,For the last five years Air purifier , Sean, and others were discussing the events of the past week and, conveniently, all leaving out important elements in the materials they were discussing as usual. I have to wonder, am I the only person out there who notices these "half truths" that clutter the media, airways, cable news, and print media?

In discussing the "protesters" on Wall Street, Beckel says he agrees with these protesters and proceeds to say just how disgusted he is with these "big money" operations, the likes of Goldman Sachs, etc. He says we need to get rid of them and many should be in jail! Problem is that many people who really do not pay attention to actual "facts" believe him and pick up this battle cry. Sean did not call him on his "half truth" either.I have never solved a Rubik's Piles . Seems the media is full of half-truths and half-facts. Lies as my grandparents would have called them. They were just so so politically incorrect.

Or, do Beckel's comments actually mean he is fed up with Obama? Here are just a few of the facts that Beckel failed to mention and Hannity did not bring up:

The fact is that the Obama administration is jam packed with people with ties to Goldman Sachs (as well as others). I have read where Goldman Sachs was Obama's biggest campaign contributor ($994,795) in 2008 and before that as a candidate to the Senate.

How about Mark Patterson, former lobbyist for Goldman Sachs who serves under Timothy Geithner as his top deputy and overseer of TARP bailout funds, from which $10 billion went to Goldman.

Or Larry Summers, Obama's chief economic adviser and head of the National Economic Counsel is a former Goldman Sachs Executive. While there, he worked for Robert Rubin, former co-Chairman of Goldman and also former head of Citicorp. Timothy Geithner is also a Robert Rubin trainee. Geithner, former head of the New York Fed is now the Treasury Secretary, a post formerly held by Larry Summers. All members of the "Obama Team.the worldwide rubber hose market is over $56 billion annually."

Then there is former White House Chief of Staff (now Mayor of Chicago) Rahm Emanuel received some $80,000 from Goldman Sachs as a Congressman and was on a $3,000 a month retainer from Goldman while he worked as Bill Clinton's chief fundraiser, or Gary Gensler, a Goldman Sachs partner who is Obama's Commodity Futures Trading Commission head. Didn't Gensler have something to do with some kind of $58 trillion credit default as well? I don't know, just asking.

According to Wikipedia, Stephen Friedman, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Chairman of Obama's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, worked for much of his career with Goldman Sachs, holding numerous executive roles and was Goldman's chairman from 1992 to 1994. All folks making the rules, playing by them, then making different rules then playing by them over and over and over again.Replacement China Porcelain tile and bulbs for Canada and Worldwide.

More...? Here is a partial list: Diana Farrell, Deputy Director of the National Economic Council formerly worked for Goldman Sachs in New York. Neel Kashkari, former Vice President of Goldman Sachs in San Francisco served under Treasury Secretary Paulson (also a Goldman Alumni) and was kept on by Obama to work on TARP oversight. There are also Peter Orszag, Karen Kornbluh, Adam Storch, Robert Hormats... etc, etc. the list is seemingly endless... all working the system from the inside and out.Whilst oil paintings for sale are not deadly,

In an article not too long ago I discussed the revolving door policy between the Administration (and not just the current one), Goldman Sachs, and the education community with institutions starting with Harvard, Yale, and on down the list. For example, Larry Summers, president of the Harvard University, rotates back and forth.

Oh yeah, did I mention just how many of these people are multi-millionaires (you know, the people Obama is supposedly "after" for not doing their part?) with many of them making all or a large part of their fortunes knowing how to play the economic crisis their very policies created. A crisis that in my estimation was hatched with housing; the topic to which I always tie everything I write about. There are also so many ties to Fannie and Freddie and so on as billions of dollars have been stolen from the American public under the guise of "making the American Dream affordable to everyone" with "no money down."

