
Flesh-eating zombies are big this year for Halloween

Halloween. It is with great trepidation and the stifling of a blood-curdling scream that some mothers approach the day.

When the kids were younger, it was more treats for me than tricks.

I could put a sheet over their little heads and convince them that they were a ghost. The right hat and a lasso made them a cowboy, and best yet,Our high risk merchant account was down for about an hour and a half, a few holes cut into paper bag and I could send them out to entertain the masses as the Unknown Comic.

As they aged, Halloween became more dreadful. Time moved swiftly, and gone were the days when I could dress them as Barney or an oversized bumble bee. Their desired themes were those of monsters, ghouls and creatures from the nether regions.

“Mom,” they would say to kick off the haunting season, “I’ve decided what I want to be for Halloween.”

“What’s that?” I’d naively respond as visions of fun-loving robots filled my imagination.

“I’m going to be a flesh-eating zombie.”

Many questions filled my mind up to and including,Polycore porcelain tiles are manufactured as a single sheet, Where has this “Sesame Street”-watching child seen a flesh-eating zombie?

“No, you’re not!” I quickly replied.Replacement China Porcelain tile and bulbs for Canada and Worldwide. After all,Initially the banks didn't want our RUBBER SHEET . we couldn’t have the Clinches running the streets and terrifying young children as fake flesh drooled from their chins. What would their grandmother think?

“But MOOOOmmmm, that’s what we all decided!”

“Just who does ‘we all’ include?” I asked as I mentally prepared to take some of his friends off his play-date list.

“Everybody,” he said and in doing so marked the first moment that I got to hear the all-inclusive “everybody” that would generalize his people throughout the teenage years.

“I know, why don’t you go as a mummy? We’ll get white streamers and wrap you from head-to-toe. It’ll be cute!”

“MOOOOOmmmm, everybody thinks that cute is dumb!”

“Who?!” I asked with exasperation. “Who thinks that cute is dumb?”

“Fine,” he replied as he ignored my question, “I’ll just be an ax-murderer.”

Back then I was adamant that any mother worth her spiders wouldn’t let her child dress up as a serial killer and stalk the night. Nor would she allow his precious face to look like melting flesh just so he could haunt the neighborhood children via their dreams with his 9-inch nails.

Even if everybody was doing it.

Naturally, his next thought was to dress up like the ax-murderer’s victims. Which led me to another question — what sort of mother agrees to let her little dear sport an ax to the head for Halloween festivities?

Yet,Whilst oil paintings for sale are not deadly, every year my kids argued with me at length about their Halloween attire and were always quick to remind me that Robbie Robbins’ mom always let him wear a hatchet upside his skull, and that Byron Billsting’s father made him a really cool machete out of stainless steel and a rubber hose.

It just made me want to howl at the moon to think that my little dears would be the only kids on the block who weren’t allowed to sport a knife in their hearts as they foamed at the mouth.

I’d crawl into bed on the evening of Oct. 31 and vow to find out who everybody was and then instruct the children not to hang out with them at least until Thanksgiving.

Sadly enough, the time has passed quickly and Halloween costumes are no longer a problem. You might even say I’ve grown numb to the whole thing. In fact if one of the boys were to saunter past me dragging a faux severed limb and a bag of flesh-eating vermin, I’d probably smile at his creativity and go back to stirring my cauldron.

Yessir, times have changed and nowadays our family deliberations pertain less to gruesome attire and more to the manner in which they’ll be spending their ghoulish evening.

