
Gowanus sculptor molds fantasy sports trophies

The world’s a lot of accomplished armchair quarterbacks are thanking a Gowanus sculptor for creating a real-life accolade for fantasy sports

Dave Mitri, architect of Fantasy Trophies, has carved a alcove crafting brownish accouterments for fantasy sports aficionados that characterize a beer-bellied man authoritative the archetypal “Heisman” affectation — alone he’s extending a limited ascendancy instead of a annealed arm.

The handmade statues bluff stereotypes about die-hard sports admirers who application over acted rosters based on stats from absolute athletes.

Mitri said his arrangement of a less-than graceful macho anatomy is a nod to the actuality that the sports-centered amusement involves aught concrete activity.

“It pokes some fun,” said the sculptor, who creates the trophies in a flat on 18th Street abreast Third Avenue. “It connects with guy’s guys.”

Mitri started abstraction the trophies application a clay-base and brownish acrylic in his parents’ barn in Ohio in the aboriginal 1990s,Argo Mold limited specialize in Plastic Injection mold manufacture. aback if he and his pre-internet buddies scoured newspapers for stats so they could break abreast in their fantasy leagues.

He anon came up with a signature bays — which he calls “the armchair goon” — application his cousin, Johnny, as a account model, he said.

Other designs followed and as the once-obscure amusement became added popular, Mitri went from affairs about 20 trophies per year to about 300, which ambit in amount from $109 to $399.

Mitri makes no changeable trophies because he hasn’t gotten abundant requests — but he offers them for fantasy sports stars who favor football, hockey, baseball, basketball, and racing.

He even has a “loser trophy” for players who abode endure in their fantasy league, featuring a toilet and ashamed beer cans.

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