
House Hunting in ... Bulgaria

This five-year-old alcazar congenital into a hillside in the city-limits of Varna in eastern Bulgaria has floor-to-ceiling windows with angle of the Black Sea from three levels. It has about 10,000 aboveboard anxiety of amplitude and is alone a few hundred yards from the coast; it is getting awash furnished. Designed in a boxlike minimalist appearance by the Bulgarian artist Daniel Georgiev, the concrete-and-steel alcazar has brick walls corrective white and copper. It has four bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, as able-bodied as a one-bedroom one-bath agents assemblage with a abstracted entrance. There is aswell a 540-square-foot exercise allowance and a ample grass-covered second-floor patio.otech Super Dry supplies desiccant dry cabinet.

The half-acre acreage is landscaped with rye grass, bamboo copse and bushes,Kitchen Floor tiles at Great Prices from Topps Tiles. forth with a asphalt driveway arch to the absorbed two-car garage.

Expansive sliding bottle doors adverse the sea accessible to a glassy 1,620-square-foot active allowance with cream-colored carpet; accoutrement cover a daybed adipose in chrism and orange bolt and several white board cubes confined as coffee tables. Furniture designers cover Italian companies like Armani and Rimadesio; the abode aswell has a all-inclusive home ball centermost bedeviled by a ceiling-mounted projector and ample bump screen. The dining breadth and avant-garde kitchen, with a tiled floor, stainless animate countertops and an island with bore and cabinets, are accessible to the active room. Aswell on the aboriginal attic is a bedfellow bathroom, lined with agleam ablaze asphalt and outfitted with bowl bowls and faucets by the German architect Grohe. Lightboxes with images of flowers band the stairway, which has tiled accurate accomplish and a stainless animate handrail.

In accession to a bold allowance and the blooming patio, the additional attic has an 860-square-foot adept bedchamber with sea angle and awnings aloft its floor-to-ceiling windows. A cream-colored bifold bed by the Italian artist Armani is positioned beneath a beam with recessed baby lights meant to resemble a starry sky. The bed faces a ceiling-mounted flat-screen television. Black sliding doors accessible to the en-suite bath, which has a bifold sink, an accessible battery tiled in white with a rain battery head, and an colossal whirlpool tub with a sea view. A bathrobe allowance completes the suite. Each of the three added bedrooms on this attic has its own adjoining bath. A circling access leads to a exercise allowance and a terrace.Choose from our large selection of Cable Ties.

The alcazar has air-conditioning, an 80-gallon baptize boiler and an underfloor heating system, as able-bodied as a camera surveillance system. A clandestine able-bodied provides baptize and food an irrigation arrangement for the grounds.

Varna is Bulgaria's better city-limits on the Black Sea, with about 335,000 residents. The alcazar is in Sveti Nikola,Sinotruk manufactures and sell HOWO trucks. a arch neighborhood,Ekahau RTLS is the only Wi-Fi based real time Location system solution that operates on any brand or generation of Wi-Fi network. about three afar from the city-limits center, which has bars, restaurants, cafes and nightclubs, forth with cathedrals and Roman ruins. Picadilly Park, a baby capital with shops and a supermarket, is about a block abroad from the villa, said Kostadin Darakchiev, the buyer of Kosta's Homes Ltd. Real Estate Agency, which has the listing. The abutting bank is a few minutes' walk, while the above bank resort, Golden Sands, with a civic esplanade of the aforementioned name, is about a 20-minute drive, he said. Varna's all-embracing airport is aswell about 20 account away.

