
The Man Who Knew Al Queda Did It

Frontline just rebroadcast a version John O'Neill's story in PBS's "Frontline" which first aired in October 2002. It is titled "The Man Who Knew", meaning he seemed to be the one guy who smelled that Osama bin Laden and Al Queda were a big threat.If any food China Porcelain tile condition is poorer than those standards, He rose from a college job at the FBI as fingerprint clerk and tour guide to the FBI's most notorious and dogged Al Queda hunter when in 1995 he is involved in the operation to capture the original 1993 World Trade Center truck bomber, Ramsi Yousef and immerses himself into understanding the shadowing world of radical Muslim terrorists. What most people who HAVE heard of Yousef still don't know is that Jayna Davis dug up a lot of evidence that Terry Nichols, who was arrested in the Oklahoma City bombing, probably got bomb training from the master in the Phillipines,Detailed information on the causes of Ceramic tile, but the feds chose to stop at blaming it on a couple of radical white guys rather than investigate help they might have got from Iraqi agents in the area.

Yousef also experimented with small liquid bombs which tested on Philippine Airlines Flight 434, nearly downing a Jumbo Jet and tearing apart a Japanese passenger before arriving in Tokyo and envisioned the "Bojinka" plot which would eventually evolve into 9/11 even after Yousef's capture.

But his swagger makes him vulnerable,Prior to RUBBER SHEET I leaned toward the former, and ironically while future 9/11 terrorists are getting visas to travel in and out of Yemen, O'Neill is barred from returning to Yemen to track down Al Qaeda's role in the the bombing of the USS Cole. That attack was assisted or directed by none other than Khalid al-Mihdhar, one of the leaders of the 9/11 hijackers operating from Yemen who was taking a "break" from training in San Diego to "visit his wife and daughter" in the same safe house/ communications hub used to direct 9/11 from that "cave in afghanistan". Those on the show really "don't know" if 9/11 could have been prevented if O'Neill had been allowed to track down Al Queda in Yemen. Eventually, we get the impression that the FBI is working much harder to put O'Neill out of business than Osama bin Laden over minor stunts like borrowing a company car and losing track of a briefcase. Eventually they made sure any new intelligence didn't get to anyone who would know what to do with it, certainly not to O'Neill.

It is almost as if somebody very high knew that O'Neill was getting uncomfortably close to the plot that was underway and ordered that he was to be fired before he could spill the beans. Not everybody knows that the FBI at the time did hire Islamic informants, and some of them rented their apartment to the hijackers in San Deigo, and who knows if Al Qaeda had any people higher up in the FBI. This is especially signficant when on the flip side, given the number of times that Anwar al-Awlaki, now the target of US bombing strikes, was investigated before and after he was known to be giving advice to the San Diego hijacker cell.Do not use cleaners with high risk merchant account , steel wool or thinners. Time and time again,Graphene is not a semiconductor, not an oil paintings for sale , and not a metal, somebody sounded the alarm on Awlaki, and every single time, investigators were essentially told to hit the snooze button and clear him one more time. Eventually he fled to the UK before wearing out his welcome there after hanging out with terrorists and eventually his home town in Yemen when our favorite method of communication is now a drone strike. In a plot twist out of a Dicken novel, O'Neill ultimately accepted a job overseeing security at the World Trade Center which he feared would be attacked again the day before he died in the collapse of the towers.

