
Australia's ATSB releases report into Emirates student pilot blackout

The Australian Air Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has released a report into an incident in which a trainee Emirates pilot lost consciousness during a solo flight for almost an hour. The aircraft continued on autopilot.

The ATSB described the incident as "serious" and the pilot's medical certificate has been suspended while investigations continue.

According to Abu Dhabi's The National newspaper, the unidentified pilot, , was on the return leg of a training flight from Mildura, in Victoria, to Parafield airport, in South Australia on December 27 when he lost consciousness shortly after taking off.

"The pilot completed the first sector to Mildura, Victoria, refuelled the aircraft and consumed lunch and rehydrated," said the report.buy landscape oil paintings online.

"He reported feeling hot and slightly tired on the ground in Mildura, but well enough to continue the flight."

He then completed a circuit in his single-engined propeller aircraft at Renmark, before he complained that the glare from the sun was making it hard to see through the front windscreen.

He decided to climb 2,000 metres to allow cooler air into the aircraft after reporting that he was feeling hot and sweaty. At this point, with the aircraft on autopilot, he began to lose consciousness.

Air traffic controllers made numerous attempts to contact him,Houston-based Quicksilver Resources said Friday it had reached pipeline deals without success.We processes for both low-risk and high risk merchant account.Polycore zentai are manufactured as a single sheet, "The pilot regained consciousness about 55 minutes later over the water and uncertain of his position," the report said. They guided him back to Parafield airport,Detailed information on the causes of Hemorrhoids, where he landed safely.

The day was clear and sunny, and an investigation into the cabin ventilation system found nothing unusual.

Medical tests the following day were inconclusive and experts could not explain why the pilot had blacked out. His medical certificate was subsequently suspended. In a statement Emirates said: "As the medical aspects of this case are currently under investigation, Emirates is unable to make any comment."

Recent research into pilot incapacitation by the ATSB and Civil Aerospace Medical Institute of the US FAA found that the most common causes of loss of consciousness are gastrointestinal, neurological, cardiac and urological events.

