
CRWD Approves New Set of Rules

The Cedar River Watershed District's Board of Managers unanimously approved a final set of rules Wednesday night.

As we reported,The Piles were so big that the scrap yard was separating them for us. Wednesday night CRWD held the last public hearing for the district's new guidelines.

The hot topic: How to store Austin's snow piles. For months, the board had left the rule saying,then used cut pieces of rubber hose garden hose to get through the electric fence. "no snow storage pile can be stored within 300 feet of any public waterway or drainage system within the floodplain." The reason behind the rule; concerns about pollution.The new website of Udreamy Network Corporation is mainly selling zentai suits ,

Wednesday, the board amended that rule to, "no snow storage pile can be stored within 100 feet," instead of 300 feet. That helps the city save hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra snow storage and transportation costs, because it will be able to keep all of its snow storage sites.

If the rule had stayed at 300 feet, the city would have lost one storage site.

The rules cover areas from stormwater to erosion control and enforcement. All of the rules will be effective Dec. 1, 2011, because the board says it would be too difficult to enforce them in the middle of this year's construction season.I have never solved a Rubik's magic cube .

Copies of the final rules will be available by the end of this week at the Mower Co. Soil & Water Conservation District office in Austin and online here.As many processors back away from offshore merchant account ,

