
From Borneo, returns that'd thrill Indiana Jones

There were four of us  myself, a translator, and two guides. Several miles into the Malaysian rain forest where there was no discernible path ¡ª to me anyway ¡ª and where the tree canopy blocked the blazing sun allowing only hints of light, I spotted one: a rag tied around a tree where white liquid from a dig in the trunk was dripping into a plastic bottle.

It was the only mark of man around in one of the most unspoiled patches of nature in the world. A quarter-mile later, I saw another gashed tree marked this way, too. Yards later, another. I stopped walking and asked my translator what these markings were.Choose from one of the major categories of Bedding, He was glad for the break, lit a cigarette, and said something to the Iban tribesman ahead of us. He took me over to examine one of the tagged trees.

Around the back of the tree from where I was, a mat was laid out on the ground (it looked like a yoga mat) and a bucket was off to the side. Several times per day, my translator explained, the tribesmen would hike out to these trees and put the liquid from the bottles into the pail. When the bucket was full they'd pour the white liquid out onto the mat and let it dry. Then, they roll it up. It's rubber. They take the rubber to the local co-op market and sell each sheet for under a buck.

But slice enough trees, roll enough mats, and the money starts to add up.In addition to hydraulics fittings and Aion Kinah,

This process might seem unremarkable until you find out that Malaysia is one of the rubber capitals of the world. It long ago put Brazil, the once-dominant rubber maker, out of the rubber business. (In fact a few years ago Brazil hired some Malaysian rubber executives to teach it how to get back in the game.)

Rubber cooperatives and the local businesses not only provide a source of income for tribesmen, they play a big part in the Asian economy and in turn the world economy. The multibillion-dollar global rubber business, from condoms to your car tires, can be traced back to such jungle, tree-sapping ventures.

Local rubber businesses in Malaysian Borneo can turn a tidy profit.What to consider before you buy oil painting supplies.Use bluray burner to burn video to BD DVD on blu ray burner disc. Investing in such a local business isn't such a bad idea. But how do you get the idea and find out about the businesses in the first place?

This is where a great deal of money is being made these days by what amount to Indiana Jones-like investors ¡ª private-equity investors in the developing world. They are realizing gains and they are seeing other rewards, too.

Every dollar invested in one of these businesses (called small- and medium-sized enterprises, or SME's, in the jargon of the trade) generates $10 in the local community and at least three jobs. That's right: one dollar of investment.

It isn't easy to find many of these enterprises; they are off the map, in unchartered territory.

However, the Impact Investment Exchange Asia is a good place to start exploring from the comfort of your home or office. There, investors can find pre-screened social enterprises from far-off lands seeking capital. See the Impact Partners website for more information.From standard Cable Ties to advanced wire tires,

