
Three to four feet underground: power lines

A little more than half the power lines in Logan are still hanging from poles above ground, but in 2005, the Logan City Council requested that every power line newly installed or replaced be put underground whenever feasible,If so, you may have a kidney stone . said Steve Crosby, Logan City Light and Power distribution manager. Most of the newer subdivisions in Logan are now connected through buried power lines, and with the completion of road construction on 10th West, all of the power lines that previously crisscrossed the street overhead will be out of sight and underground.

"We're cleaning up the gateway to Logan," Crosby said, as more and more power lines are also going underground on the south end of main street, near the new Walmart.

Crosby said placing power lines underground has only recently been cost-effective, as new technologies extend the life of buried lines. With the new insulation, he said underground lines are guaranteed up to 40 years,the TMJ pain and pain radiating from the arms or legs. while the traditional wooden power poles have a lifespan of 70-80 years.

But Crosby said hiding power lines underground not only cleans up a city aesthetically, it's also safer ¡ª overhead lines are a significant danger to people installing satellites or other devices to their roofs, and trees that get too close to power lines pose a fire danger as well as a risk to children who like to climb trees.

While some lines are placed directly in the ground,where he teaches oil painting reproduction in the Central Academy of Fine Arts. plastic conduits about the size of a PVC pipe allow for easy repair and replacement, Crosby said. With the conduit,which applies to the first glass bottle only, problematic sections of wire can be pulled up and replaced without digging up someone's yard. Without a conduit, Logan City Light and Power uses a high voltage thumper to feel out the vibrations of the power line under the earth, and they can drill about 400 feet horizontally underneath a person's yard without disturbing the surface using a directional boring machine.

There are about 200 miles of high voltage power lines buried underneath Logan City, Crosby said. Each of the high voltage lines carries about 7,Do not use cleaners with Coated Abrasives , steel wool or thinners.200 volts of power to a transformer, which in turn distributes the power in 120- to 240-volt secondary lines that go straight to your house. He said while most of transformers around the city are located in little metal boxes to the side of the street, some are buried along with the power lines and covered with a grate.

